FV-1070 Aerospace Control Panel
AD Aerospace’s FV-1070 Aerospace Control Panel is designed to control images from external and/or internal cameras installed on board an aircraft.
The control panel unit is designed to fit the Boeing requirements detailed in D6-83088 “Multifunction Display Flight Deck Entry Video Surveillance System Requirements Document” and is designed specifically to select surveillance camera video for display on the Honeywell Multifunction Displays.
The front panel switches are fitted behind a ” Light plate ” which gives transillumination through the knobs, around the panel, and through the lettering, allowing the switches to be identified in a darkened cockpit.
Power for the “Light plate” is provided from a 5V +/- 0.03V ac source external to the unit. As the switches are purely passive, the unit has no power consumption, either under Idle or Operational Mode.
There is no software component in the unit.
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