Airbus A220
AD Aerospace Systems

Airbus A220 Flight Deck Door Surveillance System (FDDSS)
In partnership with CMC Electronics of Canada, AD Aerospace is the supplier of the Airbus A220 Flight Deck Door Surveillance System (FDDSS). This system satisfies the requirement for a non-intrusive, non-distracting method of identification by the Captain and First Officer of who is trying to gain access to the Cockpit. Means of doing so is mandated throughout much of the globe, including by EASA. The system acts as deterrent to terrorism and air rage and helps to prevent catastrophic loss of aircraft from terrorism or revenge motivation. In summary the solution represents a low-cost option to significantly increase levels of aircraft safety and security.
Global regulators strongly recommend video systems. Many European carriers proceeded with the installation of Flight Deck Entry Video Surveillance Systems after 9/11 and before mandates were issued. ICAO Annex 6 – Part 1 – Chapter 13 – Standard 13.2.3(b) (1 Nov 2003):
“means shall be provided for monitoring from either pilot’s station the entire door area outside the flight crew compartment to identify persons requesting entry and to detect suspicious behaviour or potential threat.” This was then interpreted into the Eurocae Minimum Operating Specification ED-123 which describes the minimum specification for a cockpit door surveillance system.
The system interfaces with the aircraft MFD, and comprises the following units:
- FV-0413 Domed Internal Aerospace Camera – designed to be fitted within the aircraft ceiling trim, in a pressurised, heated area. The camera incorporates IR (Infra-Red) illumination operating at 860nm, outside the bandwidth of the human eye to provide superior low light performance. The FV-0413 boasts the very latest generation of analogue video sensing technology and offers excellent low light performance and facial recognition.
- FV-0710 Video Transmission Unit (VTU) – fully qualified (DO-160G) robust digital VTU designed to be used in commercial aerospace applications. Capable of streaming digital video over IP Ethernet links from up to 8 100Ω balanced composite video signals, the VTU is contained in a simple compact aluminium box housing and can be fitted in the overhead area on aircraft as well as any Avionics Bay or even behind cabin trim due to its compact size. Video signals are multiplexed, digitised and compressed in the VTU, then stored within the on-board removable storage (CF Card) with maximum combined rate of up to 100 pictures per second (@ CIF). A 64Gb device gives 26 hours of recording at 4 frames a second with 8 cameras, or 52 hours with 4 cameras.
- FV-0950 Camera Control Unit (CCU) – The CCU is used in this instance to interface between the monitor output of the FV-0710 VTU and the Airbus A220 MFD. The CCUs provide regulated, filtered DC power to the cameras, as well as providing a 100-ohm balanced video signal drive output for distances of up to 100 meters (328 ft), ensuring a cleaner image.
The system is easily expandable and the FV-0710 Video Transmission Unit can take feeds of additional cameras to provide full surveillance of the passenger cabin, and cargo compartments.
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