Boeing 737NG
AD Aerospace Systems

Boeing 737NG Retro-Fit Cockpit Door Surveillance System (CDSS)
AD Aerospace is a leading supplier of Boeing 737NG retro-fit Cockpit Door Surveillance (CDSS). This system satisfies the requirement for a non-intrusive, non-distracting method of identification by the Captain and First Officer of who is trying to gain access to the Cockpit. Means of doing so is mandated throughout much of the globe, including by EASA. The system acts as deterrent to terrorism and air rage and helps to prevent catastrophic loss of aircraft from terrorism or revenge motivation. In summary the solution represents a low-cost option to significantly increase levels of aircraft safety and security.
Global regulators strongly recommend video systems. Many European carriers proceeded with the installation of Flight Deck Entry Video Surveillance Systems after 9/11 and before mandates were issued. ICAO Annex 6 – Part 1 – Chapter 13 – Standard 13.2.3(b) (1 Nov 2003):
“means shall be provided for monitoring from either pilot’s station the entire door area outside the flight crew compartment to identify persons requesting entry and to detect suspicious behaviour or potential threat.” This was then interpreted into the Eurocae Minimum Operating Specification ED-123 which describes the minimum specification for a cockpit door surveillance system.
AD Aerospace continues to support airlines and lessors with B737NG retro-fit CDSS. The retro-fit system is available as an EASA STC for the B737 and as a UK CAA Minor Modification (automatically accepted by both EASA and the FAA) for the A320. AD Aerospace’s sister company, Cabin Avionics Ltd, also supplies the Skycam retro-fit CDSS system for the aforementioned aircraft as well as the Fokker F70, ATR72 and De Havilland Dash-8 Q400. Recent customers to use the AD Aerospace retro-fit CDSS system include DAE Capital, AerCap, SMBC Aviation Capital, Avolon, Jet2, TUI, Royal Air Maroc, Corendon, Lion Air Group, Finnair amongst others.
The materials included as part of this system are:
- FV-0410 Internal Camera – designed for use within the cabin of a commercial aircraft, to provide the overt but non-obtrusive monitoring of areas including the cockpit approach. The camera is monochrome to provide the clearest image and best contrast in the hugely variable light conditions found in aircraft flying at 50,000 feet. The Infra-Red (IR) Illuminators produce light at an 875nm wavelength which is invisible to the human eye but within the sensitivity of the camera. This allows clear images to be produced in low light situations, such as night-time light levels on an aircraft, and helps compensate when a subject is strongly backlit. The units have a variety of lens options and colour finishes to suit most requirements.
- FV-0835 6″ LCD Monitor – designed to display images from external and/or internal cameras installed on board an aircraft. The monitor is light weight, low powered, and can be quickly installed/maintained as it is Dzus rail mounted.
- FV-0580 Video Switch Unit – takes input from up to four analogue cameras and produces video streams suitable for viewing on displays such as LCD monitors. The unit is light and small enough to be fitted overhead in the cabin.
- FV-1050 Control Panel – designed to be fitted in the cockpit instrument panel of a commercial aircraft. The front panel switches are fitted behind a “Light plate” which gives trans-illumination through the knobs, around the panel, and through the lettering, allowing the switches to be identified in a darkened cockpit. Power for the “Light plate” is provided from a 5V ac source external to the unit.
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